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Main List Management features now working

Published: 2021-06-11 00:00:00 +0000

APIs now working??

I don’t know why the POST lists/members/create API that was returning unexpected 500 responses last time just worked today without me having changed anything.

With this API working, it didn’t take me long to piece together its reverse API, POST lists/members/destroy, and wire up the API calls to the buttons in the UI.

React compromises

I also had enough time to make some little UI enhancements to load from IndexedDB on component mount, so that I don’t have to keep clicking those “load” buttons when I don’t strictly need to.

This is a compromise – I’m here using React Hooks. The useEffect hook, to be specific. This isn’t something I enjoy doing – ideally, I should be able to perform an effect and then dispatch an action in response to a route-change; however, it still remains rather tricky how to get this set up.